4 Best Essential Oils for Headache, Migraine and Pain Relief

 Essential Oils for Headache -Headaches are one of the most terrible things a person can experience on earth. They frustrate the person to degree that cannot be tolerated. The pain and anxiety are so severe that one cannot escape out of it. We all then start thinking of ways how to mitigate it.Essential oils serve as a great remedy.

They can pacify the pain and improve it by relieving stress. Health is a huge blessing. Essential oils for a headache are very commonly available at local health stores market.One of my friends used to have a migraine whenever she is stressed or overwork until she started using essential oils.

They work great for her.They are various oils that can be used to alleviate a headache. But the top 4 essential oils that are recommended to be used include peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary oil and lavender oilBelow are the details of how you can use these essential oils for a headache and pain relief


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4 Best Essential Oils for Headache, Migraine, and Pain Relief


1. Peppermint oil

 One of the most amazing essential oil is peppermint oil. It creates a sense of cooling when applied to the skin. It causes inhibition of muscle contraction. Also, the blood flow is greatly enhanced when applied to
Also, the blood flow is greatly enhanced when applied to the forehead and the temples. In this way, it acts as a relief to the migraine attacks. Tension is reduced upon its application and hence you can enjoy life in its true means.

2. Lavender  Essential oil

Lavender oil has a variety of therapeutic benefits and essentially acts as a relaxant. It is a complete relief of stress and tension. In detail, it cures depression, induces sedation and relieves anxiety. Based on research evidence, lavender essential oils act effectively and it can be used for neurological treatment.

It also helps in the sleep cycle regulation and eliminates the feeling of restlessness. This restlessness is reported as the main reason behind headaches. Regulating serotonin level, it minimized nervous track pains and effectively reduces a migraine.


 Read18 Best Lavender Essential Oil Benefits and Uses

3. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

It acts as a cleanser for your body and strengthens our immune system. It can also be used for body detoxification and to defend the body against various harmful microorganisms. Opening the nasal path it contributes as an excellent essential oil for headache and sinus relief.

4. Rosemary Essential Oil

This is one of my favorite essential oils for headache .Rosemary essential oils have been used traditionally as a cure for blood circulation issues and headaches. It has the ability to act as a stimulant, relieving inflammation in respect to the analgesic characteristics.

Mental alertness, improved orientation towards the environment is all the results of its application. It also helps the mind to grow emotionally stronger and stress averse.

So we should use these oils and reap the immense advantages they bring.


Essential Oil Blend for Headache Relief 


  • 1 ounces Carrier Oil (Olive or Jojoba or Sweet Almond Oil)
  • 10-12 drops of your favorite essential oils from the above mention of essential oils
  • Note: If you are using Peppermint or Eucalyptus, use  6-9 drops only
  • 1-ounce small glass bottle with orifice reducer insert

How to apply it.

  • Mix your favorite carrier oil and essential oils into the bottle, and gently shake the bottle to mix the essential oils with the carrier oil.
  • Then apply 1-4 drops onto your fingers and rub it on your forehead, back of your neck and/or temples. Avoid getting the oils near your eyes.

If after a few days, the headache or migraine persists, please consult your doctor.

Stay Healthy!



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