7 Best Air Cleaning Plants for Home Garden & Indoor Air Purification

Best Air Cleaning Plants for Home Garden – The indoor air environment of your home or office may be filled with unwanted chemicals and elements that include volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as formaldehyde. Such chemicals, elements, and compounds may cause allergic reactions, trigger asthma attacks, and negatively affect the health of everyone living or working inside.

One of the best ways to treat this condition is by using the best air cleaning plants for home garden. A few plants in the right locations or when used as a home garden can clean and purify the air which reduces the VOCs and other unwanted chemicals and elements. What follows are some of the best air cleaning plants for home garden units available.

Studies that Support Plant Ability to Purify Air

American Society for Horticultural Science Researchers carried out some studies on ornamental indoor plants for their ability to eliminate harmful Volatile organic compounds from indoor air.

The study claimed that by planting common ornamental plants into indoor pot or spaces has the potential to effectively improve the quality of indoor air.


In another research conducted at National Science Foundation, revealed that plant contribute a large role in purifying atmosphere, The study uses observations, gene expression studies,plus  computer modeling to analyze  the way  deciduous plants absorb about a three-time more of a common class of air-polluting chemicals than prior  belief.

A study across the Chicago area in the US reveal plant absorbed about 17 tons of carbon monoxide (CO), 93 tons of sulfur dioxide (SO2), 98 tons of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and 210 tons of ozone in 1991


7 Best Air Cleaning Plants for Home Garden & Indoor Air Purification


Best Air Cleaning Plants for Home Garden – Inside Plants that Clean the Air 

1. Boston Fern Air Purifier 


Best Air Cleaning Plants for Home Garden - Inside Plants that Clean the Air


One of the best plants for cleaning away formaldehyde from the air, the Boston fern also removes chemicals such as xylene and benzene as well.

They are one of the NASA air cleaning plants that’s projected to be used on space stations and orbiting vehicles. The only downside is their rather finicky nature when it comes to watering them.

2. English Ivy Indoor Plant

English Ivy - 7 Best Air Cleaning Plants for Home Garden & Indoor Air Purification

While troublesome when outside your home, they effectively remove formaldehyde while inside and can be trimmed when needed to keep them from growing too much.

It’s little wonder that they are considered one of the best air cleaning plants for home garden and if you don’t mind their appearance, one plant may be all you need. Order for one here

Read Further 12 Incredible Medicinal Plants for Your Home Garden and their Uses

3. Gerbera Daisies

7 Best Air Cleaning Plants for Home Garden & Indoor Air Purification

This is one of the best plants for removing formaldehyde from the air, but they need attention. Regular watering and keeping the temperature below 65F degrees if possible, then this may be perfect for you. Get one here

4. Golden Pothos Plant

7 Best Air Cleaning Plants for Home Garden & Indoor Air Purification

While not the best air cleaning plant, it can take a lot of neglect thanks to its toughness. This means that you can ignore it often and it will still live, making it perfect for those who have never kept houseplants before.

5. Janet Craigs Plant

7 Best Air Cleaning Plants for Home Garden & Indoor Air Purification

This is one of the best  indoor plants for air purification. This also includes rubber plants, Janet Craigs grow best in darker locations and remove formaldehyde which helps make the air cleaning inside the home or office.

While rubber plants look better, Janet Craigs are easier to care for and will tolerate more neglect.

6. Palm Trees

7 Best Air Cleaning Plants for Home Garden & Indoor Air Purification

Simple, easy to care for, and effective, palm trees are one of the best air cleaning plants for home garden use. Despite their tropical allure, they grow best in temperatures of 60 to 75F degrees which makes them perfect for indoor environments. However, they can get a little big, so you will need to trim them from time to time.

Read MoreStep by Step Tips on How to Grow Tomatoes  Plant 

7. Peace Lily Plant

7 Best Air Cleaning Plants for Home Garden & Indoor Air Purification

A plant that blooms indoors, it brings a touch of spring into your winter home. It also is great at removing VOCs, formaldehyde, and benzene which makes it one of the best air cleaning plants for home garden use.

However, the leaves can be poisonous, so it’s not recommended if you have pets or children around the home.

Since Vegetation are directly absorbing the VOCs, fewer of the substances are evolving into aerosols.

A poet from Joyce Kilmer goes like this:

“I think that I shall never see

A poem friendly as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest

Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast (air – pollution)”

In this case that lovely and friendly trees is absorbing and eating our atmospheric poisons.

Finally, you can choose one or more of the best air cleaning plants for home garden, making them perfect for your residence or business.

Finally, you can choose one or more of the best air cleaning plants for home garden, making them perfect for your residence or business.

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