Yoga Poses for Back Pain and Neck Pain Relief – We spend a lot of hours either starring on our phone, working a computer or traveling the world. Sometimes it can be very stressful and tiring. We do a lot of sitting, carrying and standing in between. Carrying heavy luggage does not help our body and the stress eventually takes a toll on our body.
Luckily, this article on yoga poses for back pain will help to overcome this.
It is a common occurrence for people to experience neck and back pain as a result of all these activities they have gone through.
Tension, stress and even overworking can contribute a lot to these pain. But all hope is not lost.
There are numerous remedies that can help to relieve these pains you might have been experiencing. Notable among these remedies is Yoga. Yes, yoga actually does help (1).
Best Yoga Poses For Back Pain and Neck Pain
When some people hear the word “yoga”, they usually think it’s an exercise with serious tough moves.
This assumption is totally wrong. Like so many exercise routines, yoga routines range from the beginner level to more advanced moves.
You’re not going to be performing any dangerous moves here.
There are many easy and simple poses for yoga that you can perform anywhere to help ease the pain from back and neck pain.
Be it at your hotel room, airport or even on the beach, these poses are guaranteed to help relieve the pains throughout your body.
These poses are will make you feel relaxed, refreshed and renewed for your next trip or your next day at work.
Yoga is very effective for strengthening your muscles and also treats bone disorders. Most of these yoga poses for back pain can be done in as little as 2 minutes.
Yoga therapy can reduce pain and boost the function in people with chronic low back pain. According to a study in the journal Spine (Sept. 1, 2009) (2)
Below is a list of our 10 best yoga poses for middle back pain, lower back pain and neck pain with instructions on how to do each one of them.
1. Standing Mountain Pose
The mountain pose is actually the foundation of all standing yoga poses. Pay attention to this pose as it will still be used in many others yoga poses for back pain and neck pain.
The posture helps to relieve pains from your neck and back. It also improves your posture, firms your abdomen and your buttocks and strengthens your knees, ankles, and thighs.
It is also known as Tadasana
- Begin by standing with your feet about hip-width apart. Make sure your feet are firmly rooted to the ground.
- Gradually, release the tension in your tailbone and draw in your stomach at the same time. Ensure your rib cage is also raised up and is out of your pelvis.
- Move those shoulders to the back, away from your ears. Make sure you relax them at the same time.
- Bring out your head towards the sky and at the same time, stretch and elongate the spine just like someone is pulling you up.
- Relax your throat and face and make sure you breathe slowly and deeply. Your chin should also be parallel to the ground all through the exercise.
- Maintain the pose for about 1 minute.
2. Shoulder Shrugs for Neck Pain
This is one of the simplest routines on this list and is very effective for relieving neck pain. It is effective at improving the range of movement of your shoulders.
The shoulder shrugs help to alleviate neck pain.
However, it may be extremely painful to do especially for those with a severe neck pain. Always consult your physiotherapist or doctor first before performing this.
Follow the directions below to perform one of the best yoga poses for neck pain.
- Assume either the standing or seated mountain pose.
- Raise your shoulders upwards just towards your ears. Make sure you breathe in all through this movement and your head must be erect and soft.
- Push out your chest and rotate your shoulders at the same time.
- Then squeeze your shoulder blades together and rotate them to make a full circle.
- Return to your mountain pose starting position.
- You can perform this pose for about 1 minute.
3. Seated Mountain Pose
This is another effective and one of the best yoga poses for back pain and neck pain. It is a modifies version of the standing shoulder pose.
Like the name already suggests, this is one that is done in a seating position.
It is most useful for those who find it difficult to stand to perform the standing mountain pose. This pose relaxes your muscles and relieves you of your back and neck pain.
It is also known as the modified tadasana.
- Grab a chair you are comfortable on and sit down on it. Make sure your feet are hip-width apart with your palms on your thighs.
- Press your buttocks into that chair and gradually raise up your head towards the sky while you continue to keep your gaze ahead of you.
- Ensure your shoulder is relaxed and at the back.
- Your spine begins to lengthen as the ribcage expands and goes up.
- Maintain this posture for about 1 minute.
4. Seated Forward Pose
This is another fantastic pose that is very effective to relieve back pain. Do this pose right and you’ll be opening your body to so many possibilities.
It has the potential to open up your lower back and at the same time provide you relief from pain and stiffness.
Follow the directions below to perform one of the best yoga poses for back pain.
- Begin by sitting on the floor and stretch out your legs in front of you.
- Now bend forward and at the same time reach for either your ankles, shins or feet.
- Make sure you are bent at the hips and reach for anyone that is more comfortable for you.
- Continue to lengthen your torso and reach your sternum to the front.
- You have the choice to bend your knees at this point if you feel a pain in your back.
- Maintain this pose for about 1 minute.
5. Child’s Pose
In child’s pose, we have a very effective exercise that can help relieve back pain and neck pain. Talk of relaxation and child’s pose tops the list.
It is an excellent yoga pose that helps you to relax. Child’s pose also stretches your hips and your entire back.
It definitely worth its place on our list of best yoga poses for back pain.
- Begin by starting on all fours. Make sure you keep your arms to the front and at the same time, sit back and ensure your buttocks is at a rest just above the heels.
- Now hold that position and inhale deeply.
- Make sure you feel the breath reach all the way to the hips.
- Continue to extend in either direction to experience more relief from back pain.
- Maintain this pose for about 1 minute.
6. Locust Yoga Pose for Back Pain
Here, we have another effective pose that helps to relieve back pain. The locust pose is a fantastic way to strengthen your butt and your back.
You should definitely include this pose in your yoga routine if you really want to get a break from the back pain.
Follow the direction below to perform one of the best yoga poses for back pain.
- Begin by lying on your stomach on a mat and place your arms beside you.
- Make sure your palms are faced up with your forehead also flat on the floor.
- Now slowly and gradually, raise up your head, arms, torso, legs and your arms away from the mat.
- At the same time, slightly rotate your thighs in and feel your body stretch out from your head all the way to your toe.
- Now hold this position for about 30 seconds to 1 minute.
7. Triangle Yoga Pose for Lower Back Pain
This is another yoga pose for lower back pain. Not only can the triangle pose help ease your back pain, it can also help prevent it in the first place.
This is definitely a fantastic pose that will strengthen and stretch your entire body. Follow the directions below to perform one of the best yoga poses for back pain.
- Begin by standing and make sure your feet are at 3 feet apart. They must also assume a parallel position to each other.
- Now rotate the right foot and make sure your right heel is in the same line with the arch of your left foot.
- Extend your arms to the side and tilt at your hips to ensure that you reach your right hand down towards the floor.
- It must be done on both sides of your foot.
- Then rotate your body to the side and make sure the fingers of your left-hand reaches for the ceiling.
- Stare at your left hand and hold this position for about 5-7 breaths before you change sides.
9. Cat-Cow Yoga Pose for Neck and Back Pain
Talk of both relieving neck and back pain and the cat cow pose is just effective at both.
It allows you to flex and extend your neck and back to release tension and stress from your body.
It is definitely one pose you should consider doing.
- Begin by starting on all fours. Make sure your hands are under your shoulders and your knees also under your hips at the same time.
- Now breathe in and feel the air in your belly, then bring yourself lower toward the floor.
- Slightly drop your head back and look up at the sky at the same time.
- Then breathe out and turn your face as if to look over your right shoulder.
- Maintain your gaze here for just a few moments and return to the center position.
- Once again, breathe out and this time, look over the left shoulder
- Like before, maintain that position before you return to the center position.
- Now tuck in your chin into the chest and at the same time around your spine.
- Maintain this position and let your head hang downwards.
- Make sure you shake your head from one side to the other and also backward and forward.
- Continue this fluid motion of the cat cow poses for about a minute.
9. Thread The Needle Pose
The thread the needle pose is another effective and one of the best yoga poses for back pain. This pose helps to ease tension in your shoulders, back, and your neck.
Follow the directions below to perform the thread the needle pose.
- Begin on all fours and ensure your wrists are placed under the shoulders with your knees also under the hips.
- Now raise your right hand and move it just over to the left hand, still along the floor. Make sure your palm is facing up at this point.
- Then push the left hand into the ground to aid support as your body rests on the right shoulder. At the same time, look over to the left.
- Main this position for about 30 seconds. And then slowly release and fall back into the Child’s pose we explained before.
- Take a few breaths and repeat movement on the other side.
10. Downward Dog
It is possible for you to have come across the pose called downward dog. The downward dog yoga pose can rejuvenate your whole body.
It definitely makes our list of one of the most effective yoga poses for lower back pain. Follow the directions below to perform one of the best yoga poses for back pain.
- Begin by starting in a tabletop position and make sure your hips are raised. Your body is to form an upside-down V position.
- Now relax your neck and your head and bring your inner thighs towards the back of the room.
- Continue to stretch your shoulder blades apart and at the same time, reach your hips up and back.
- Maintain this position for about 5-7 breaths.
Listed above are the best yoga sequence for back pain and neck pain. Each yoga poses for back pain has the instructions attached to it. Make sure you follow it to the letter.
You should also be aware that the best way is actually to try to prevent back pain in the first place.
We understand that we might get carried away by our daily activities, but paying attention to your body is of utmost importance.
If your pain is severe, it is recommended that you consult your doctor.
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