Best 10 Dry Cough Remedies and Cough Suppressants That Work

Dry cough remediesThere are two types of coughs, the productive one that removes the phlegm from your body and the dry cough which is often caused by throat irritation. While a productive cough is needed to help recover from colds, flu, and respiratory illnesses, a dry cough is really an annoyance that does nothing to help your body.

So, getting rid of a dry cough is a good idea as its continued presence irritates your throat and may leave you more open to catching colds, the flu, or viruses.

Cough Symptoms & Signs

  • Hoarseness
  • Night sweat
  • Vomiting
  • Wheezing and shortness of breath
  • Heartburn/a sour taste in your mouth
  • If you have chronic cough sometimes may result to coughing up blood
  • A runny nose
  • When you are feeling of liquid running down the back of your throat also known as postnasal drip
  • Irregular throat clearing and sore throat


Causes of Cough

Recent research revealed that the main substances in cough syrup (dextromethorphan and diphenhydramine) is as effective in treating cough like placebo ingredient. It is common knowledge that natural remedies have little or no side effect. Instead of using chemical solutions for every minor illness, use some home remedies instead.

Here are 10 dry cough remedies that are natural, safe, and effective in getting rid of this type of coughing spell.


Best 10 Dry Cough Remedies and Cough Suppressant That Work

Best 10 Dry Cough Remedies and Cough Suppressant

1. Drink Water

Your dry cough may be caused by not being properly hydrated, so drink an extra glass or two each day.

2. Use Garlic

Good against vampires and kills bacteria, germs, and viruses while boosting the immune system. Make a garlic tea and add oregano along with honey. Drink this herbal tea 2-3 times a day for the best results.

3. Ginger Peppermint

Make a syrup that combines ginger, which helps loosen up the mucus with peppermint that will take away the irritation. Make a tea from these ingredients and add honey for an extra effect.


4.  Use Honey as a Cough Suppressant

Take a tablespoon of honey 1 – 3 times a day because this will help moisturize your throat and make irritation go away.Honey also has wonderful taste and it will relieve a cough caused by bacterial infection.



Dry cough remedies


5. Honey & Black Pepper Super Combo 

Honey and black pepper are effective dry cough remedies combo! This interesting combination should be used if you have a considerable amount of mucus that is not coming out. Mix a teaspoon of ground black pepper with a tablespoon of honey and water and bring to a boil. Drink once or twice per day and you’ll develop a productive cough.

According to a recent research, a spoonful of honey helps a coughing child sleep


6. Humidify the Air


A humidifier will help ease your dry cough by adding moisture naturally to the air. Being in the presence of a humidifier will ease the symptoms and reduce your coughing naturally. Get you humidifier now on Amazon plus free shipping.

Dry cough remedies

7. Licorice Root Tea

The licorice root helps soothe the airways so that your throat so that it reduces the inflammation and irritation. Mix two tablespoons of dried licorice root with eight ounces of fresh, hot water. Do not take this if you have issues with your kidneys or are on steroids.

 8. Use  Salt Water

A quick, simple treatment that works because it can help soothe a sore throat. Simply gargle a cup of water mixed with salt and that will reduce the inflammation in your throat while providing much-needed moisture to ease a dry cough.

Learn more :DIY Homemade Cough Drops Recipe

9. Thyme will Help

Thyme has been used for many centuries in different treatments, but one that works quite well is soothing a dry cough. You’ll need to make some thyme tea which will help relax the throat and open up your airways. Two tablespoons of dried thyme mixed with lemon or honey and fresh water brought to a boil and you’ll have some delicious tea.

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dry cough remedies - how to get rid of dry cough


10. Use Turmeric

The is one of the best dry cough remedies because turmeric has curcumin which reduces inflammation while killing germs and bacteria. Take a teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix it with carom seeds, add a half cup of water and boil it.Then Add few drops of honey and drink this for 2-3 days.

By staying hydrated, removing irritants from the air inside your home, and humidifying rooms or taking steamy showers, you can greatly help reduce the chances of developing a dry cough.

Consult your physician if you are coughing consistently for 3 or more weeks, especially the one that brings up sputum or blood, and disturbs your sleep.

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