11 Best Natural Cures for Bacterial Vaginosis that Works – Causes and Prevention

Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis -what is bacterial vaginosis (BV)?  In a simple term, bacterial vaginosis is a disease caused by abnormal growth of bacterial, which can lead to uncontrollable vaginal discharge with a foul fishy odor. This charge is often gray or white in color. Bacterial vaginosis occurs when there is an imbalance of bacterial growth within vaginal.

The Ph level of vaginal supposed to be maintained at a certain level, between good bacterial and bad bacterial.  Good bad keep in check of bad bacterial. So if anything alters this balancing process, it may lead to excessive growth of bad bacterial.

So below are the list of what we are going to cover in this post.

  1. Risk factors of bacterial vaginosis
  2. Causes of bacterial vaginosis
  3. Signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis
  4. Findings of bacterial vaginosis, and of course
  5. Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis
  6. Prevention for bacterial vaginosis

So let’s start..


natural cures for bacterial vaginosis

Risk Factors of Bacterial Vaginosis

For now, specialists are not sure of what causes these bacteria to off balance in the vagina. However, some factors can aggravate your danger of infection. These risk factors may include;

  • Abuse of antibiotics
  • Douches
  • Having multiple sex partners
  • Poor hygiene
  • Using of intrauterine or contraceptive device
  • New sex partner
  • Smoking

Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis

natural cures for bacterial vaginosis

Vaginal Discharge

  • There are several factors that can lead to bacterial vaginosis disease, and if care is not taken this can leads to the severe stage of BV.
  • Any factors the can cause an imbalance of bacterial (bad and good bacterial) PH level, for instance, douches, poor hygiene etc. can lead to BV .Although the particular cause still remains unknown, it is advisable to avoid unhealthy lifestyle and habits that have the potential of causing this disease.
  • Usually, about 95% of vaginal organisms are lactobacillus bacteria, according to research. And these lactobacilli help keep the vaginal pH level low and save you overgrowth of other sorts of organisms.
  • Women with bacterial vaginosis have fewer lactobacillus organisms than normal and greater of different types of bacteria. Woman ranging from past due teens to mid-forty are the most at risk of growing bacterial vaginosis. BV may also affect women after menopause.


Signs and Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis

Most women suffering from BV may not have any symptoms of BV.   It is not common to have itching around vaginal if you are with bacterial vaginosis, but occasionally it happens. BV symptoms may include:

  1. White or gray color discharge.  It even may come with yellow color.
  2.  Itching is not common
  3. Painful sensation during urinating
  4. Inflammation of vaginal
  5. Early delivery among pregnant women
  6. Uncontrollable vaginal discharge
  7. Strange fishy odor, especially after sexual intercourse
  8. Redness of vaginal

Findings about Bacterial Vaginosis

BV case was first document in 1894, and since then it has been spreading.The precise number of women suffering from or at chance for BV isn’t is unknown. The latest estimates from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force proposed that 9 percent to 23 percent of women of reproductive age may be affected by bacterial vaginosis (1).

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also estimates that greater than 1 million pregnant women develop BV every year.

According to research, this disease is very rampant among African-American (51%), Mexican Americans (32%) and white women (23%), women with low socioeconomic status, and women who have history of the infant with low birth weight.

The prevalence within the U.S. is envisioned to be 21.2 million (29.2%) among women ages fourteen–forty-nine, primarily based on a nationally representative sample of women who participated in NHANES 2001–2004

Women claimed to have bacterial vaginosis, 84 percent of them said no symptoms. Women who’ve no longer had vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse can nevertheless be affected by BV 18.8 percent.

The risk of getting it for pregnant women is 25 percent, and women who’ve never been pregnant (31.7%).Prevalence of this disease will increase primarily based on lifetime range of sexual companions.

Below are natural cures for bacterial vaginosis that works


Must Read: ladies yes, four cycles is not twelve: Menstrual cycle

How to Get Rid of Bacterial Vaginosis. These treatments willl cure BV and it will make your vaginal odor go away. The 3 active ingredients are Coconut oil,ACV and Essential oils

How to Get Rid of Bacterial Vaginosis.


Natural Cures for Bacterial Vaginosis At Home that Works


Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis is very effective.There are a lot of people that have used it and it works for them greatly. So I believe that it will work for you too.



natural cures for bacterial vaginosis

How to use Garlic for bacterial vaginosis


Garlic is one of the common natural cures for bacterial vaginosis because it is a natural antibiotic. It also has antifungals properties the can help combat bad bacterial.

It (pH 3.3) decreases pH Level of the vagina. A regular vagina has a barely acidic nature. During infection, the pH tends to increase in the direction of alkalinity.

If you use cotton wool to clean your vaginal and it shows a pH of greater than 4.5 then the presence of the infection is a high.

How to apply it

 1st Method

  • Wrap one garlic clove in gauze and put it in the vagina. Leave it in for not more than half an hour as it could not cause discomfort. Use this treatment once daily for several days, until you observe improvement.

2nd Method

  • Cut garlic cloves into very smaller pieces.
  • Rub the mashed garlic on the affected area.
  •  Leave it on for 20 minutes after that rinse your vagina with warm water. Observe this treatment once every day for several months.

3rd Method

  • Alternatively, devour garlic in raw or in cooked form every day.
  • In case you cannot tolerate the taste of garlic, you may choose garlic pills after consulting a physician.



natural cures for bacterial vaginosis


The warm water bath is likewise a powerful natural cure for bacterial vaginosis. That is the only natural treatment in which they’re typically encouraged by specialists in the field of reproductive health. What makes this BV treatment powerful is that this could help soothe the vaginal tissues

This can also increase the number of white blood cells availability in the vagina to fight bad bacterial. Moreover, the high temperature of the water in this treatment will also kill some of the weak organisms present in your vagina



natural cures for bacterial vaginosis

How to use Coconut oil for bacterial vaginosis


Coconut oil has natural antiviral, antibacterial and antifungals properties. It can help to combat BV and also prevent it. Coconut oil helps boost your immune system. Make sure you include it in your diet every day.

How to apply it.

  •  You can use it to cook or
  •  Soak a tampon in coconut oil, and insert it into your vagina for 2hrs.
  •  Wash coconut oil off with clean warm water.
  •  Apply it consistently until you get better.



natural cures for bacterial vaginosis

How to use Tea Tree for bacterial vaginosis


Tea tree oil has been proven effective natural cures for bacterial vaginosis. It has antifungal and antibacterial substances, as well as a robust “mint-like” scent to help with the odor related to the infection.

 See-Tea Tree Oil Uses and Health Benefits: 15 Ultimate Guides

How to apply it

  • In case you need to apply tea tree oil to your bath water,
  • Add three drops of it in conjunction with three cups of white vinegar to a warm bath of water, to increase its potency.
  • Soak yourself there for about half-hour.
  •  You could also fill a small bowl with warm water and blend in a few drops of the oil.
  • Use the solution to rinse your vagina at least once a day till your infection subside.


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natural cures for bacterial vaginosis

How to use Apple Cider Vinegar for bacterial vaginosis


Apple cider vinegar it has acidic properties, and one of the best BV treatment, which can decrease the pH level within the vagina. Thus, increase the chance of beneficial bacterial to be active, while making it unbearable for the bad organism or bacterial to survive.

You can get Apple Cider Vinegar  Amazon now

How to apply it

  • Put one to two cups of apple cider vinegar solution for your bath water.
  • Sit in the bathtub water for about 20 mins.
  • Lightly pat dry the vaginal area.
  • Try this once day by day till the infection subsides.

ReadHow To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss


natural cures for bacterial vaginosis


Fenugreek is exceptionally useful for treating BV. It’ll help enhance the pH Level within the vagina and increase the immune system

How to apply it

1st Method

  • Soak two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in a tumbler of water in a single day.
  • In the morning, drink this water before eating.
  • Repeat this daily for at least a month until you are relieved.

2nd Method

  •  Alternatively, blend one teaspoon of fenugreek powder in a cup of yogurt.
  • Consume it twice every day for numerous days until you get better

3rd  Method

Yogurt is very rich in beneficial bacterial, especially lactobacillus acidophilus. This bacterium is naturally found in a woman’s body and aids in curing infections inside the vagina by enhancing the balancing in pH level of vagina.

How to apply it

  • Drink one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of hot water for approximately 5 mins. You can add little drops of honey, for better taste and drink this tea for 2-3 days

 Read Next: Best 7 Smelly Vag Remedies that Work for Every Woman




natural cures for bacterial vaginosis


How to use  geek yogurt for bv

  • Eat 8 ounces of unflavored yogurt each day, as a way to building up the beneficial bacterial.
  • You can also soak a tampon in yogurt for ten mins after which placing it into your vagina for 2 to 3hours. Make sure you don’t leave it overnight, as you could throw off the balance of pH stability of your vagina.
  • Most of your BV signs and symptoms might be subsided with a single application of this method. But, you could repeat this procedure from time to time just to ensure that your BV is totally eliminated

According to a new research review,probiotics can raise effectiveness of some antibiotic therapies for curing bacterial vaginosis.




natural cures for bacterial vaginosis


Hydrogen peroxide works as an herbal disinfectant and enables to get rid of the awful bacteria and other inflammatory substance that cause bacterial vaginosis. It’s also one of the best natural cures for bacterial vaginosis

1st Method

  •  Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with the same quantity of water.
  •  You can use this mixture as a douche. Else, apply it to a tampon and insert in the vagina. Don’t allow the tampon to stay there for more than half-hour.

2nd Method

  • Alternatively, mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with the same quantity of water.
  •  Use this mixture as a douche. Insert it in your vagina and drain it
  • This will clean out all the bacterial, both “beneficial and bad”.
  • After doing so, insert an acidophilus pill towards the back of your vagina to add again beneficial bacterial. That is a very vital step to rid of your bacterial vaginosis once and for all.
  •  Make sure to put on a liner the following 1-2 days even as your vagina rids off the excess acidophilus

Must Read :Amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide for everyone


Milk consists of lactobacilli bacterial that make it as an exception of one natural cure for bacterial vaginosis. It also boosts the immune system.

How to apply it

1st Method

  • Dip a tampon in milk solution and put it into your vagina. Maintain the tampon in for one to 2 hours and then remove it.
  • Apply this once a daily until you are relieve

2nd Method

  • Another option, you can also add one teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk. Drink this solution once a day.



natural cures for bacterial vaginosis

How to use  Oregano essential oil for bacterial vaginosis


Oregano oil contains both antibacterial and antifungal substances and may be used to combat infection especially bacterial vaginosis. It can also effectively prevent recurrence of the infection. Make sure you use oregano oil that does not has alcohol in it. Oregano oil is available here

How to apply it.

1st Method

  • Mix 3 drops of oregano oil with one tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Apply it on the affected area and allow it for two hours. You can do this every day until you observe improvement.

2nd Method

  • Rather, blend 3 drops of oregano oil in a glass of lukewarm water.
  • Drink it two times daily..

 Read More: 10 Health Benefits and Uses of Oregano Oil



natural cures for bacterial vaginosis

Neem is also one of the best natural cures for bacterial vaginosis.It consists of antibacterial and antifungal properties that help lessen itching and irritation in other to kill the germs that cause this infection.

How to apply it

  •  Heat a small portion of neem leaves in a pan (You do no longer want to add water or any liquid).
  • Allow the leaves to cool and then grind them right into a pleasant powder.
  • Mix it 2 teaspoons of the powder with a little water to make a paste.
  • Add this paste in and around the vagina. Leave it for half of an hour after which rinse with warm water.
  • Try this two times every day till your signs and symptoms are absolutely long past.

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natural cures for bacterial vaginosis

How to use Calendula for bacterial vaginosis


Calendula is an effective antiseptic and detoxifying plant. This is one of the potent natural cures for bacterial vaginosis .It is used in treating many diseases that associated with women. Its flora, when applied to cuts and wounds, forestall bleeding, prevent bacterial and increase the healing process. You can get a cheap Calendula oil here 


How to apply it

  • Make calendula tea through boiling it in some water.
  • Soak a clean cloth in it and gently rub it into your vagina.
  • It will give you a relief from the infection brought about due to bacterial vaginosis.

Prevention for  Bacterial Vaginosis.

  1. Keep your vagina clean and dry always
  2. Avoid excessive use of sugar.
  3. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking
  4. Avoid sweetie and starchy foods
  5. Limit the number of you sex   partners.
  6. Use cotton underwear
  7. Avoid douching.
  8. Maintain good hygiene.
  9. Avoid the use of intrauterine contraceptive devices.

Examples of food items you need to avoid are alcohol, vinegar, sugar chocolate, soy sauce, cheese. Because eating these kinds of foods, will increase the growth of bad bacterial in your vagina, and throw off balance the pH level.

Note:  if you have used one of these natural cures for bacterial vaginosis and it’s worked for you. Please share it in the comment space below or if you have used another form of natural remedy that worked for you can kindly share it with us as this information can help others who are suffering from this disease.

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Have fun and stay healthy!

Suggested  Product for  Bacterial Vaginosis 


Vulva Balm Cream- Vaginal Moisturizer – Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment & Vaginitis Treatment Alternative- Organic & Natural – Intimate Skin Cream -Reduce Dryness, Itching & Burning

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